SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_site_setting` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT `item`,`value` FROM `changxiang_site_setting` [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_nav` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_nav` WHERE ( status=1 and display_type in (1,3) ) [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`type`,`display_type`,`module_id`,`class_id`,`path`,`open_type`,`link_type`,`link_url` FROM `changxiang_nav` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc,id asc [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_nav` WHERE ( status=1 and display_type in (2,3) ) [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_textblock` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT `name`,`content`,`desc` FROM `changxiang_textblock` WHERE ( status=1 and scense="pc" ) [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_listblock` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_listblock` WHERE ( status=1 and scense="pc" ) [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_download_class` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT `path` FROM `changxiang_download_class` WHERE ( id=15 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `changxiang_download_class` WHERE ( concat(path,",") like "0,15,%" or id=15 ) [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_download` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_download` WHERE ( status=1 and isrecommend=15 and class_id in (0) ) ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_service` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_service` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_ad` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT `class_id`,`remark`,`picurl`,`picurl1`,`url`,`picdesc`,`picname` FROM `changxiang_ad` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0253s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_keywords_list` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT `name` FROM `changxiang_keywords_list` WHERE ( hot_status=1 ) [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `name` FROM `changxiang_keywords_list` WHERE ( tag_status=1 ) [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_link` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_link` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_message` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `changxiang_message` WHERE ( isread=0 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_news` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( status=1 and isrecommend=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0,6 [ RunTime:0.0319s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( status=1 and isrecommend=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0,3 [ RunTime:0.0129s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( status=1 and class_id=27 ) ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0,5 [ RunTime:0.0129s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( status=1 and class_id=28 ) ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0,5 [ RunTime:0.0196s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl`,`news_date`,`content` FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( status=1 and class_id=28 ) ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0,10 [ RunTime:0.0319s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_case` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl`,`content` FROM `changxiang_case` WHERE ( status=1 and class_id=3 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl`,`content` FROM `changxiang_case` WHERE ( status=1 and class_id=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0,8 [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl`,`content` FROM `changxiang_case` WHERE ( status=1 and class_id=4 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl`,`content` FROM `changxiang_case` WHERE ( status=1 and class_id=5 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl`,`content` FROM `changxiang_case` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_product` [ RunTime:0.0068s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl` FROM `changxiang_product` WHERE ( status=1 and isrecommend=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc LIMIT 0,4 [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_region` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT `alias`,`name` FROM `changxiang_region` [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_region` [ RunTime:0.0065s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_region` [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( id=34 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ]
SELECT `value` FROM `changxiang_site_setting` WHERE ( item="keywords_color" ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `changxiang_product` WHERE ( status=1 and name not in ("外贸软件","外贸管理软件","外贸ERP","ERP软件","外贸系统","外贸AIGC","AIGC") ) GROUP BY name [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_product_class` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( id<34 ) ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( id>34 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_news_class` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_news_class` WHERE ( id=27 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `value` FROM `changxiang_site_setting` WHERE ( item="site_keywords" ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_nav` WHERE ( id=157 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT * FROM `changxiang_nav` WHERE ( id in (0,99) ) [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `value` FROM `changxiang_site_setting` WHERE ( item="site_relate_product_num" ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `value` FROM `changxiang_site_setting` WHERE ( item="site_relate_news_num" ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( class_id=27 and id<>34 and status=1 ) ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 2 [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`picurl` FROM `changxiang_product` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.0065s ]
SELECT `class_id` FROM `changxiang_news` WHERE ( id=34 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `changxiang_news_class` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
SELECT `name` FROM `changxiang_news_class` WHERE ( id=27 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
UPDATE `changxiang_news` SET `readnum`=readnum+1 WHERE ( id=34 ) [ RunTime:0.0105s ]